Friday, February 21, 2020

When Christ’s Love Shows up as an Angry Jewish Man

Contrary to what you might have heard, the Christ means “anointed one” and it was not Jesus’s last name.  It is a consciousness that is available through all of us.  Most of all it is Unconditional Love.  A Love that is almost unimaginable for humans, yet humans badly need.

Jesus of Nazareth came to show us how the power of that love on earth.  Some speak of Him as The Wayshower, which he certainly was, but there have also been many wayshowers.

Today I believe that one of the places the love of Christ is showing up brightest in the world in an angry Jewish man on the campaign trail for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

Why would unconditional love show up as angry?  I think it’s because Love loves us so much that when we are not showing up as love in the world, as a society or for each other, it will do whatever it has to do to get our attention.  If it needs to yell, it will yell.  If it needs to repeat the same points over and over, it will do that.  If it needs to disrupt, it will disrupt.  That is how Love operates.

Here is some more evidence of the Love in Bernie Sanders:

·      Medicare (Plus) for All—emphasis on all.  Love is unconditional and universal.  It does not leave anyone out.  And Bernie has repeatedly emphasized “no copays, no deductibles, no cost-sharing.” That means that everyone will actually have access to full healthcare.  Health care is a human right and I too am angry that we don’t have it.  We have more than enough money in our system to provide this if we eliminate private insurance. Sometimes love is being angry.
·      Free public college for all—emphasis on all.  Love is unconditional and universal.  Education is a human right.
·      Free day care for all—emphasis on all.  Love wants parents to have choices and children to be safe. 
·      Affordable housing for all—Bernie has by far the most comprehensive plan to build and sustain affordable housing.  Housing is a human right.  You can bet Love is angry over homelessness.
·      Bold Climate Action—the planet does not need saving.  The planet will be fine.  The human race needs saving.  Unless we want the next president’s platform to include having Mexico pay to build a beautiful beautiful ark, its time now.  This is why sometimes Bernie doesn’t seem compassionate with people who might lose their jobs from working in the fossil fuel industry.  Sometimes I have to let go of one thing that seems impossible to let go of to save myself.  Sometimes Love has to be VERY insistent.  Sometimes I fight with Love.

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