Wednesday, February 26, 2020

President Bernie Sanders will be presidential

Even though I’m super high on Bernie, I was wondering for a while how presidential he seems and what it will be like to have him as president.  Prior to Trump most Americans saw little connection between who is president and their day to day lives so it made sense to pick who they most wanted to see on their tv screen.  Trump won in this time period, as the ultimate reality tv show president. 

But Bernie getting elected because he is post Trump.  The Avatar in Chief awakened the electorate to how it matters who is president and then Bernie has shown millions of people a vision of how much better their lives could be depending on who is elected.  When you know you’re going to have thousands of dollars more a year in income and thousands less in debt, and there is someone as trustworthy as Bernie running, suddenly you care a lot less what someone looks like or sounds like.

And on the trail and in the debates, most of the time Bernie comes off as angry.  But lately I’ve been watching Bernie in other interviews and I noticed with all that fire and all that attack coming at him, Bernie is downright presidential.

What I mean by that is he stays above the attacks.  He is unflappable.  While he may be similar to the president in that he is an insurgent running as a populist with an entire establishment freaking out at his growing crowds and growing support, he is also his polar opposite.  Bernie is Trump’s opposite in that he is focused, he is driven, he is calm and he is reasonable.  He does not suffer fools lightly.  That much is clear.  But he, unlike perhaps some of his supporters, cannot be baited and cannot be trolled. 

This is why Bernie is going to win and its also what’s going to make him one of the best presidents we’ve ever had.  We are due for a new face on Mount Rushmore. 

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