Saturday, February 01, 2020

Bernie in Burlington Says it All

I have been wondering for a while why we're hearing so much about South Bend, Indiana and so little about Burlington, Vermont, the home and political birthplace of the next President of the United States Bernard Sanders.  This Los Angeles Times piece is important to read.  It gives us a sense of not only how Bernie governed as Mayor (important because it shows how he functions as an executive) but how Bernie has remained accessible, rooted and responsive to constituents even as a US Senator.  It is not a puff piece, there are critical voices and folks who though they like him as a representative don't want him to be president or like his personality. 
It shows how Bernie guided the city of Burlington, maintaining affordable housing against waves of gentrification, building in living wage and other protections for working families.  Well worth reading and considering as we move into a period where Bernie now clearly has a very strong shot at being the Democratic nominee for president. 
I'll add that the folks I know in Vermont descend from old line Republicans.  They all look at me like I'm crazy when I've asked who they're voting for.  "Uh, Bernie, duh" is the basic response.  Basically,  there's a tone of, "he's our guy."
LA Times article on Sanders at Home in Vermont

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