Wednesday, January 08, 2020

We Need a President we can Trust

As the mainstream media realizes that Bernie Sanders not only isn't going anywhere but is the most likely candidate to win the Democratic nomination for President (CNN: Bernie Sanders Could Actually Win This Thing), its time to flag the issue of trust.  Much has been made of Bernie's progressive agenda (all of which I agree with): Medicare for All, eliminate college debt, Green New Deal, $15 an hour minimum wage.  And many people DO understand that these kitchen table issues cross party lines.  Everyone needs health care.  Most people want their kids to be able to go to college if they want to.  Many people breathe the air, drink water and have noticed the increase of devastating weather events.  Many people welcome more money in their paycheck.  So that's been covered.

What hasn't been covered as much is the issue of trust.  Bernie Sanders is that rare individual who has spent his 40 years in politics saying the same thing.  From Mayor of Burlington to the campaign trail for president, everyone knows where Bernie stands.   He is fighting for regular people of all colors and sexual orientation.  He has always been fighting for regular people of all colors and sexual orientation.  Period. 
In an era when the avatar in chief has been verified by
The Washington Post fact checker to have made (as of December 10, 2019) 15,413 false or misleading statements, the important of trust of our president cannot be overestimated.

As of a year ago, The Hill rated Bernie Sanders America's most popular senator (as he has been many times in a row.  This means  that the people of Vermont loved him more than the people of any other state loved their U.S. Senator.  Anecdotally I can tell you that people I know who live in Vermont and are Republicans or not particularly progressive look at me like I'm crazy when I ask who they are supporting for president-- "Bernie, of course!" There is absolutely no question in their mind because they love and trust him as their senator, they will love and trust him as their president.  This is completely independent of whether they agree with him on the issues.

In Iowa, New Hampshire, California and elsewhere in the country, voters enthusiastically support Bernie Sanders not just because of the issues but because they are thirsty for a leader who they can trust.  Bernie combines the populist rhetoric and change that attracted many voters to the current incumbent with a proven track record of doing what he says he's going to do.  He distrusts the mainstream media, but he believes facts matter and he respects the rule of law.  He is as far from authoritarian as you can possibly get because he knows it will take a sea change to take back the government from the control of wealthy interests.

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