Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can my Body do in Physical Reality what is Can do in Mental Reality?

I am very interested in this question, as are many.  I believe I have gathered a great deal of evidence that it is so.  Four years ago, after a year of being unable to walk more than a block without terrible pain in my right knee, I finally broke down and had meniscus surgery.  I assiduously did all the rehab exercises (not hard to do as I had a long track record of regular exercise).  No progress.  Nothing.  Still couldn't walk without pain and extreme discomfort.  Six months of that.  Still no progress.

Then I heard about Dr. Joe Dispenza.  I signed up for his progressive workshop, the prerequisite for which is hours and hours of his intensive workshop.  All of it designed to teach us more about the scientific fact of the power of the mind so that we can really believe it can heal the body.  After hours of study, I started doing Tuning Into New Potentials and picturing my body easily and effortlessly not only walking but backpacking.  After only a month of listening to the meditations, I was walking miles without pain again.  After a little more than a year, I was able to backpack again. 

Part of my healing was also Bikram Yoga.  I had a strong Bikram practice before I injured my knee.  Then I took it back up when I finally was able walk with ease.  There were numerous exercises that i couldn't do anymore so instead I lay myself down on the floor and pictured myself doing the yoga poses with ease.  One by one, even ones that seemed impossible to do I was on my feet and doing again.
Now I'm pairing up with Michael Kinsey, director of Bikram Yoga, to teach a meditation version of the Bikram Yoga sequence.  It's coming up Sunday, February 9th.  If you're in Sacramento, we'd love to see you.

$20 pay in advance at Yoga Loka 
$30 day of

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