Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Being in the Question not the Answer

I have never been into affirmations, which is heresy where I come from.  In my spiritual communities, we say "change your thinking, change your life" (Ernest Holmes) and we affirm what we want to create or attract.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE affirmative prayer or spiritual mind treatment, where we speak as of what we are creating has already been created.  There is almost nothing I would rather do than sit do a spiritual mind treatment for anyone.  What I wouldn't give for some of our world leaders to ask me to change their minds, whoop!

But affirmations, per se, I've never taken to.  I was never sure why until someone who had studied Access Consciousness introduced me to questions instead of affirmations.  She said "questions create" and she gave me "how does it get even better than this?" and "what else is possible?"  to work with.

I now say these juicy questions aloud on a regular basis whenever I feel stuck or constricted in any way.  Any kinda stuck will do. Stuck in traffic.  Stuck in finances. Stuck in a relationship. Stuck in health.  The best part is that it's not up to me to answer these questions.  These are another writing or thinking assignment.  They are genuine questions to the universe or Great Spirit: what else is possible?  What can I be missing here?  In a very real sense these questions are prayers without a specific goal in mind.  They represent a wild abandonment to outcome.

My only job is to be curious, be in the question and pay attention.  The other day I coached one or two people to ask these questions aloud and within a day both had texted or called me with excited news about major breakthroughs in possibilities that presented themselves to them.  

They can work really fast too.  I remember one time when a friend called me stuck in parking lot type traffic saying she wouldn't be able to make it to the event I was counting on seeing her at.  She asked the questions and within 10 minutes she pulled into the event.  

I'm using both questions quite a lot right now about the Iran situation.  I let go of anything that I think I know about best outcome and open myself to this, What else is possible?  How does it get any better than this?

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