Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Adam Schiff is the Queen of England and Other Musings on the Impeachment Trial

In his day and a half in the role, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Pasadena, CA) has been a genius lead manager of Trump's impeachment trial. He delivers his message in a tone that is calm, deliberate, reasonable, firm, angry, utterly believable, deadly dull and rivetingly fascinating all at the same time. This can't be taught or faked.  You have to be born for this role.   In short, Adam Schiff is the Queen of England. 

Lest you are one of those who are convinced that the impeachment is pointless, uninteresting and all a distraction from the election, I'd urge you to give Queen Adam 30 minutes of your time.  S/he has convinced me that if my goal is to beat the incumbent president at the ballot box, whether by means of (in my descending order of preference) Bernard Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden or Pete Buttigieg, I should care about the impeachment trial.  It came about because the President is trying to use his vast power to rig the upcoming election and he's willing to go to any lengths to maintain his current office, even those that are patently criminal.  

That's why the impeachment matters.  That's why Bernie's got to be on jury duty instead of in Iowa.  Because none of his campaigning matters unless it's fair.

At least, that's what Adam Schiff says.  And I believe her royal highness.

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