Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What if this pandemic of fear is only a spiritual fire drill to prepare us to spread love and wellness to all?

Perhaps the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic of fear is a spiritual fire drill designed to expose the weaknesses in our systems. 

Can we sit quietly on the lawn during our fire drill? and where are our hats?

Think you cannot fully fund public health?
Think again 
Think it works for people to have to be out of pocket $1,000 to get tested for something that affects us all?
Think again
Think its safe to have a world leader who isn’t grounded in truth and sees everything from the point of view of his own political interest?
Think again
Think that you don’t need other people in order to be safe?
Think again
Think that you can wall yourself off from the rest of the world?
Think again
Think that fear keeps you safe?
Think again

This pandemic of fear is exactly that.  Flu kills people every year.  Often we have strains where we don’t have a vaccine.  The same people are vulnerable.  We all need to wash our hands and not touch our face during flu season.

What energy, space and consciousness can we and our bodies be to spread a pandemic of wellness and love throughout the world?  How can we allow the wellness in us to recognize and know the wellness in others?  Can we wash our hands of fear, xenophobia, hatred and the illusion of separation?

Soon, when it is revealed that this was only a drill, can we not just breath a sigh of relief but can we also do our spiritual and material work to operate from the point of view of the truth:  that there is more than enough love and wellness to go around, that we can afford as a world to support that wellness and that we cannot afford not to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very irresponsible tweet