Monday, September 11, 2017

5 Snouts Up for Logan Lucky in Theaters Now

(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) It's a lock that some straight woman out there is asking herself why she would want to subject herself to a heist film about a gang planning to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway.  Of course, the simple answer might just be Channing Tatum, Adam Driver or Daniel Craig.  If one of those guys doesn't do it for you, you're either not into white guys, or you need to retake the Kinsey sexuality scale test to see if you fall a perhaps little more towards the other side of it than you thought. 

But it actually didn't even enter my mind to mention the hotness of the guys in this movie when I started this review.  The point is that whether you're attracted to any of these actors or not, this is just a great movie.  And yeah, movie, not film.  If you liked Raising Arizona btw, you'll LOVE this movie.  It's just SO funny and quirky and weird.

This has everything going for it: fun, fast-paced plot with almost no violence (a punch thrown now and then but that's it); hilarious dialogue that is really too fun and well-delivered for one viewing;   visually very appealing and interesting at all times.  More at stake than just money in the heist (full disclosure: I actually really loved the Ocean's 11 movies also directed by Steven Soderbergh, so I guess I do enjoy a well-planned burglary, but I didn't really care whether they succeeded on any of their jobs.  Here, I cared).

Solid performances by all the actors, although they are all more MOVIE stars than they are actors, they totally totally rock their parts.  Riley Keough who plays the sister of the two Logan brothers (played by Channing Tatum and Adam Driver) is also super hot (better get out the scale, Sara) and funny and crucial to the plot.  And Daniel Craig as the essential collaborator--what can I say?  I didn't watch any of his Bond films so I always forget who he is and just find myself fascinated by him and then feel guilty about it.  

Okay, this turned out to seem all about sex, but it really isn't.  If anything were going to take this down a snout it would be the subplot with Tatum's young sweet daughter who is in one of those awful beauty pageants where they dress young girls up like grown women.  Those just make me sick to my stomach.  But it was woven into the plot well, and the little actress is fantastic and very winning regardless.

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