Friday, August 24, 2007

Why do Californians like DiFi so much?

Today's California papers report on a field poll that shows we have soured on the new Congress. Democrats and decline-to-states are fed up with the failure of Speaker Pelosi and the new majority to even begin to get us out of Iraq. The poll shows plummeting approval ratings for the Congress. Yet, the same poll shows U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein's approval rating only "dipping slightly."

This really fries my ass. I mean I'm as disappointed in Nancita as anybody, she and the House deserve the disapproval of Californians, but what is it about DiFi that keeps her pretty much inoculated from blame?

The conventional wisdom has always been that she hugs the middle of California public opinion. She's pro life, she's pro death, she's pro business, she's pro environment. But her consistent support for the war, for Bush's judicial appointees (not all, but most), and most recently for expanding Gonzales' wire-tapping authority, are appallingly out of step with the California mainstream. She was one of only 14 Democrats in the Senate to vote for this recent expanded authority--fourteen!

Yet Californians direct their rage only at the new petite liberal in charge of the House. Can anyone enlighten me?

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