Tuesday, August 28, 2007

DiFi Will be Key Player in Gonsalez Replacement

Gonsalez' resignation presents another opportunity for Dianne Feinstein to better serve the people of California. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Feinstein will be a key vote early on on whether to recommend whomever Bush puts up to replace him.

Unfortunately, DiFi's track record on protecting California from Bush's judicial appointees is less than stellar. She supports them more often than not.

Because she was recently one of only 14 Democratic Senators who defected to expand the Attorney General's power to spy on the American people, she has a special duty here to ensure that the next AG is ethical and scrupulous.

Because I don't trust her powers of discernment, she needs to hear from her constituents. Let's stay on top of this, Californians. Please let Dianne Feinstein know what we're expecting of her right now. Call (202) 224-3841. Tell Feinstein's staff you want her to hold out for an ethical AG, no matter what.

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