Monday, April 23, 2007

Four Snouts up for Three Days of Rain and the Capital Stage

(:)(:)(:)(:) for Three Days of Rain at the Capital Stage in Old Sacramento now playing through May 13th. This play is the first I've seen from a relatively new professional theater company in Sacramento, the first such new ambition in years, now in its second season. If this play is any indication, the company is an answer to my prayers.

Currently housed in the modest theater on the Delta King, the limits of the space are obvious. Yet, in Three Days of Rain by Richard Greenberg, the production house has chosen to stage a darkly funny one set play with only 3 actors (playing 6 parts, by clever design)--perfect for the space.

The play itself is well-written, playing with familiar themes of family legacy, secrets, and assumptions--definitely influenced by the plays of Sam Shepard, but lighter, and New Yorky.

The play was well-staged and well acted with an exceptionally strong performance by Johnathon Rhys Williams. Williams and the other male actor Gillen Morrison easily outshadow the only non-Equity actor, Megan Smith playing the role Julia Roberts starred in on Broadway (who, while famous, has never displayed any but surface level acting ability in any vehicle I'm aware of).

Gillen Morrison's choices in the second act work but were a bit too close to Russell Crowe's interpretation of John Forbes Nash in A Beautiful Mind for my taste.

Still, the whole experience is delicious compared to almost anything I've seen at the B street Theater (exception: Copenhagen a few years back). And the season ticket prices for next year are wickely low--$55 for 5 plays (normal price is $22 a ticket). I'd encourage all Sacramentens to run not walk to this production and future ones. Important to support local theater.

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