Thursday, January 04, 2007

Three Snouts Up for Outsourced

(:)(:)(:) out of a possible five for the new movie Outsourced starring a promising Josh Hamilton (and delightful co-star Ayesha Dharker) and directed by John Jeffcoat of Seattle. The movie is about a man who is obliged to go to India to train his own replacement to manage a call center selling cheap Americana objects, in the process, blah blah blah blah. I saw it tonight at the opening night of the 2007 Palm Springs film festival.

It's entertaining, well-acted, visually fun and humorous, but it's an utterly predictable plot. Bill thinks the film may do very well precisely because it's formulaic yet set in India--somewhat ironic that the film clearly outsources most of its production efforts to get made. Despite the implication of the title and subject matter, the film has no real social message to convey.

I'd recommend it for a family-friendly fun film that feels as if you're being adventuresome by watching it, when you really aren't.

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