Monday, December 23, 2019

My Christmas Decor Barometer: how happy and healthy am I this year?

Like many moms, when our kids were little, I turned myself inside out to create the right holiday environment, whether convenient or not.  Sleep, serenity and joy were sacrificed to the Gods of Christmas Perfection.   A few years ago, our kids became young adults and for a while I tried vainly to keep up the charade.  I felt guilty if they came home for the holidays to a half-decorated house, even while I was the full time pastor of a busy church with lots of joy and cheer to produce in that house too.  

At that point fate intervened and I hit the skids literally and figuratively with successive knee and wrist accidents that made it all but impossible to cope with the holiday boxes for two to three winters in a row.   No one in the house cared enough about the decorations to help me put them up or take them down, so it was increasingly ludicrous to pretend that I was doing it for them.

This year, as I have transitioned out of being the pastor of a church and my husband and I settle into what promises to be a long (and perhaps permanent) stretch with no young children in the immediate family, I find myself having fully decorated the house again.  

This time it's different.  

I did it slowly over the month.  

I did on full night's sleep.  

I did it without a barrel of sugared treats under one arm and resentment under the other.  

And most of all, I did it for me.  

Next year, who knows what I'll do for me for Christmas?

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