Thursday, October 17, 2019

Finally, a World Leader to Admire

These days, I find it particularly important to hold in mind a model for world leaders who are ethical, loving and competent.  Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia is one of those rare leaders.  Last week, The Nobel Peace Prize 2019 was awarded to Abiy "for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea."  Basically, within 18 months of taking office, he successfully ended a 20 year bloody conflict with Eritrea.  I intend to learn more about him and to lift him up with prayer.  I wonder, how does it get even better than this?  What energy, space and consciousness can I and the United States of America be to experience our own leader right here and now as ethical, loving and competent and anything that doesn't allow it, am I willing to destroy and uncreate that all right now?

Forbes reports "Abiy, a former intelligence officer, has been credit with pushing limited economic and political reforms in Ethiopia, working to mediate disputes between Kenya and Somalia and brokering talks between factions in Sudan. But he faces awakened ethnic rivalries in at home, where millions of people have been displaced by recent violence."

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