Monday, May 07, 2007

Thinking Like Doolittle

Yikes, I'm thinking like John Doolittle. Today's Sacramento Bee reports (Republican congressman) Doolittle believes that the FBI raid on his house last month was timed to bolster Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Bee is so appropriately anti-Doolittle that they make the claim sound paranoid and desperate.

But Doolittle has got to be right. When it went down, I thought the same thing. The timing was just too cute. On the very day that Gonzales is scheduled to be raked over the Judiciary Committee coals for politically motivated actions of the Justice Department, the FBI just happens to raid a high profile Republican Congressman's house in California early enough in the morning and with enough press coordination to make the morning papers in the east?

C'mon, it has Karl Rove written all over it--desperate play at distraction. Of course it didn't work, Gonzales still got reamed and people noticed it. And of course Doolittle's attempt to change the subject is equally desperate. It seems clear in recent weeks that his reign of terror is coming to an end.

I picture Rove the week of the Gonzales testimony pulling from a hat he carries around with him the names of people he's willing to take down to save the President. That week, it came up Doolittle. And they say Democrats eat their young...

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