Thursday, June 08, 2006

3 Snouts Up for An Inconvenient Truth

(:)(:)(:) for An Inconvenient Truth better known as "that Al Gore global warming movie."

Despite the lack of a 4th snout, this is a must see. The movie is basically a high tech version of Al Gore's internationally shown slide show on global warming interspersed with learning more about Gore's life and why he cares so much about this issue.

At first Gore's droning southern baritone has the usual soporific effect, but after a while it kind of mesmerizes you so that you get drawn into the narrative and grasp, in a way you never have before, the threat to our survival in this lifetime that global warming promises.

Highlights for me were Gore's wry humor and changing body shape (the dude gives Oprah a run from her honey) along with a very real sense of urgency that we all take this problem seriously. For some reason I was fascinated by the very fact of Gore's choosing to show this slide show painstakingly all over the world--truly deciding to pursue one thing with excellence so as to make a difference.

Don't skip the imaginative and inspiring ending credits and music.

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