Thursday, May 02, 2013

5 snouts up for Master Harold and the Boys at the Sacramento Theater Company one more weekend

(:)(:)(:)(:)(:) for Master Harold & the Boys by Athol Fugard at the STC one more weekend.  Before it's too late, get a ticket to this magnificent play, production and performance.  I don't have time to say much more but I will anyway.  Here's the thing, Athol Fugard, the tremendous South African playwright, created this 90 minute play set in 1950 apartheid for you to see.  It's a small story about Master Harold (who is really the boy) and two "boys" (who are really grown men, known as "the boys" by the whites who employ them).  Yet it is not small at all.

The direction, set and acting is pretty close to flawless.  Michael Asberry as Sam is amazing.  Will Block, a senior at McClatchy Highschool plays the 14 year old Master Harold with uncanny power and precision.  This is a play that a director or theater really couldn't begin to pull off without a young actor of tremendous talent.

See it while you can.