Wednesday, November 09, 2016

What Else Is Possible?

I think this clip represents the best approach that I have for moving forward right now.

Katie Rubin reminds us here that judgment is what blocks us from receiving, growing and creating the planet we want. Judgments are hard and stuck. Questions create. Some great questions that she suggests we all ask, like aloud, like frequently, is "How can this turn out better than we ever imagine?" "What else is possible?" "What can I be and do today to create a sustainable, loving planet and an energy that I’d like to live in?"

I will add that a great spiritual law that relates to what she is saying is "what you resist, persists." In that respect (my husband's predictions not withstanding), I am not at all surprised at the result. Every single time that every single one of us said "Trump" in this campaign, we were in a sense voting for Trump. And we all, myself included, cast billions, not millions, of votes for Trump with our focus and attention on him. We Trumped ourselves into this reality. And this is the result. It is not different from focussing, complaining, etc. on any other condition. 

I am sad today. I am sad that we chose to create this situation in this country. But I am not scared. The reason I am not scared is that I prayed for the candidate to win who would create the most peace and love and joy and lightness in the world. And I let go, and I declined to question the results. Evidently this is that way. I was not in a position to know this. I still don't feel in a position to know this. But I trust and I pay attention and I ask these questions: "How can this turn out better than we ever imagine?" "What else is possible?" "What can I be and do today to create a sustainable, loving planet and an energy that I’d like to live in?"

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