Sara S. Nichols Follow me on Twitter at @snicholsblog Sara S. Nichols is a former progressive lawyer/lobbyist turned new thought minister/spiritual scientist-- she is moved to share her thoughts on politics spirit movies, plays & books My best rating is (:)(:)(:)(:)(:) out of a total of 5 Snouts Up -- I almost never give 5 Snouts--that's just for the best ever.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Lessons Learned from 24 days of Bikram Yoga
Well, it's day 24 of 30 days of Bikram Yoga. Notice I didn't use the word "straight." I attempted 30 days straight but instead it's looked like 8 days straight, 1 day rest, 2 days "straight," 1 day rest, 1 day "straight,"1 day rest, and then a whopping 10 days straight assuming I go today as planned.
So the first lesson learned was: Listen to your body and your daughter's body. If both are absolutely weak and depleted feeling on a rare day when your daughter doesn't have crew practice, stay home and drink tea and read with instead of hot yoga.
Friday, November 01, 2013
Obamacare Up & Running in California despite media reports--what questions can I answer for you?
In the meantime, folks have until March of 2013 (the feds extended it, which was the right thing to do, despite rightwing criticism).
Look, I'm a lifelong single payer supporter but I spent the past two years working to implement this law and I'm intimately familiar with the California version. I've spent some time poking around on the Covered California website the past couple of weeks and looking at what they're offering. The bottom line is that if you're uninsured in California and even vaguely struggling to make ends meet, there's a decent chance you're eligible for free, extremely low cost or affordable coverage.
Don't let the right or the left-wing fear machines intimidate you from actually buying affordable health care coverage while you can--these subsidies have a shelf life, they are only fully funded for 3 years. Particularly tell the young adults you know and the people not quite old enough for Medicare or needing "gap" coverage to check it out.
I am happy to answer questions. At the moment, no one is paying me to have a particular opinion on health care so this is just me trying to be helpful. Just contact me through whatever way you get this posting.