Thursday, December 16, 2004

snichols' Kids' Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

this year for christmas can I please have a digital camera and the book The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket.

Thank you,

NM (9)

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like:

-->A watch

-->A broomstick that really flies. This is how it flies: powered by two AA batteries. (on and off switch on the broom) If needed add little wings.

-->A snitch that really flies by a long wire (please don't make the wire to noticeable.) On and off switch on the snitch.

P.S. please note that I would like the last two on my list more than the first one. If you can't get the last two please leave a note telling me why. (If you can't get them this year please try next year.

From, EM (8)

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