Thursday, August 05, 2004

Bill and his children in the news today
It's a busy day in the Magavern household--trying to handle all the press calls. Here's what the fuss is about:

Both kids made all local evening news and online sources today by appearing at a press conference protesting diverting money from youth programs, like parks and pools, to a new taxpayer funded downtown sports arena. The announcement was (clearly purposely) overshadowed by a sudden breakoff in negotiations between the (Sacramento Kings-owning) Maloofs and the city of Sacramento, causing local news to speculate that children were forcing the Kings to leave.

Bill was rockin' and rollin' in the New York Times, in Plan Would Consolidate California Agencies where he unveils shocking news that regulation of air pollution actually works and would be harmful to roll back--who knew? (apparently, not Arnold!)

In the meantime, I forced my kids to make picket signs, drove them to press conferences, and cheered them all on dressed impeccably in white (actually, I was wearing a purple t-shirt and capris with unidentifiable stains and hadn't brushed my hair in days, but who's counting?).

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