Sunday, May 02, 2004

Today's Outrage
Technically, this may be yesterday's outrage, but I was too tired and blissed out by community yesterday to be outraged. Today, I've recovered enough to rally.

It's this: Sinclair Broadcasting Company, a huge Republican-leaning media conglomerate, refuses to run a segment of Nightline on all 13 of its ABC affiliates because Ted Koppel was reading the names of the war dead in Iraq and this goes completely uncovered by my local paper, The Sacramento Bee. Nor, as far as I can tell, was this outrageous censorship covered as such by any of the major dailies in the country (please someone, tell me I'm wrong).

I see it was on the AP wires, mostly as "Ted Koppel reads names of war dead on 'unusual' show," with some coverage of the controversy. But who picked it up?

That this administration has things so clamped down that solemnly reading the names of dead soldiers has become a "slanted news story" staggers the imagination. Surely this story of censorship should not itself be censored.

Sacramento Restaurant: Taste of Thai
On an entirely different note (with apologies to out-of-town readers), but have you tried the Taste of Thai restaurant on Broadway? If not, do. I think it may be the best Thai restaurant in town--with the possible exception of Thai Basil on J.

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